
Wedding Videography

  /  Wedding Videography (Page 15)

Jin Heo (he, him, his) 2021-22 Operation S.U.C.C.E.S.S. fellow. Jin Heo is an international student from Incheon, Korea, who is particularly interested in dismantling structural inequalities through adopting empathy and implementing innovative logic. With plans on pursuing a career in social justice work, Heo is hoping to continue his academic career by studying philosophy and gender/feminist studies in graduate

JACKSON TWP. – A Stark County filmmaker and his Northeast Ohio production partner are debuting their first feature film Wednesday on the big screen.Adam Deierling, a wedding videographer by trade who resides in Jackson Township, and Warren resident Vinnie Sisson are bringing "The Other Side of Darkness" to light in Akron.More: COVID cancellations inspire Jackson Township wedding videographer to

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