
KTTX Event Flower Arrangement

  /  Wedding Videography   /  Meet the S.U.C.C.E.S.S. fellows | @theU
graphic shows animated images of the three Operation SUCCESS fellows on the right, and the One U thriving logo on the left. The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion logo is under the One U thriving logo in the bottom left corner.

headshot of Jin HeoJin Heo (he, him, his)

2021-22 Operation S.U.C.C.E.S.S. fellow.

Jin Heo is an international student from Incheon, Korea, who is particularly interested in dismantling structural inequalities through adopting empathy and implementing innovative logic. With plans on pursuing a career in social justice work, Heo is hoping to continue his academic career by studying philosophy and gender/feminist studies in graduate school. His Operation S.U.C.C.E.S.S. project, which he refers to as an “African LLC (Living, Learning Community),” centers on peer mentorship and student belonging at a predominately white institution.

“I am happy to say that my hopes for this project are coming to fruition as other students and I are already engaged with Housing and other departments to make this project into reality. My dream is that this LLC will create a long-lasting impact on not only the University of Utah but in other universities as a role model of inclusion and belonging.

“Growing up in an immigrant household as the first-born, being the first or number one was ingrained in my head. This physical and psychological stress burdened the very essence of my self-perception and my identity. While being the first always leaves a bad taste in my mouth, being the very first cohort has made me realize the bright side of it, such as making improvements to Operation S.U.C.C.E.S.S. so that future fellows would experience an even better program. For me, being the first cohort helped me realize a lot of myself and helped me enjoy being an example instead of fearing it.”

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