How Olivia Molly Rogers reclaimed the break-up narrative with one little video.

Rogers said the post would be the only statement she would make on the topic in the near future, and asked for respect, before thanking followers for their support. What followed was changing her Instagram handle from Olivia Molly McKeone back to her maiden name, and unpinning her February wedding photos from her social feed.
McKeone proposed in 2019 while the pair were travelling across Europe. They had been introduced to one another by a mutual acquaintance four years earlier.
Reflecting on the split recently, Rogers said: “I left my husband about three months ago and everyone’s been really supportive.
“This time has just shown me how many beautiful friends and family I have,” she said to Herald Sun. “Even from strangers the support has been really overwhelming, and that’s been the nicest thing because you’re always so terrified of how things will unfold.”
Then the next chapter began, Rogers sharing photos of her new apartment, a housewarming spent with loved ones, the highs and lows of mental health via her Instagram stories.
Watch: Miley Cyrus on the stigma of divorce. Post continues below.