If you've always wanted to work in video, the 10 courses in this sale-priced bundle will show you how to get topnotch results, from marketing promotions to weddings to training films. Image: Shutterstock/banjongseal324 Whether you want to boost your brand or
If you've always wanted to work in video, the 10 courses in this sale-priced bundle will show you how to get topnotch results, from marketing promotions to weddings to training films. Image: Shutterstock/banjongseal324 Whether you want to boost your brand or
Whether you're interested in boosting your brand or making films, The 2021 Complete Video Production Super Bundle has everything a beginner needs to be successful.You don't even need to go out and buy new equipment. The Webcam Videography course, taught by Phil Ebiner, highlights just how much you can achieve with nothing more than a webcam. Ebiner has shot,