Literally All the Spoilers and Info You Need on Susie Evans From ‘The Bachelor’

Was anyone else excited/scared to begin 2022 with The Bachelor? *laughs nervously* Same! Clayton Echard’s season kicked off this year’s roster of Bachelor Nation shows, and we know a ton of info going into Fantasy Suites tonight. Actually, literally the entire finale is spoiled right here, but before you dive into your assigned reading let’s talk about 28-year-old Susie Evans, a “beauty queen with a passion for adventure” who plays a pretty major role in Clayton’s love journey.
Scroll on down all the way to the bottom (past the GIF of Ashley Iaconetti weeping) if you want to go directly to Susie Spoilers™, or start right here with what we know about about her beyond The Bachelor.
Susie Is a Pageant Winner (and Is Friends With Caeylnn!)
Reality Steve reports that Susie won Miss Virginia Teen USA 2011 and Miss Virginia 2020. Which is how she ended up being close friends with Caelynn Miller-Keyes, who also did the Virginia pageant circuit.
Fun fact: Caelynn and her boyfriend Dean Unglert have a bet going about far Susie will make it—especially compared to Dean’s ex Gabby Windey…who is somehow also competing for Clayton’s heart in the final three.
“Caelynn has a good friend that’s on the season as well, and Caelynn is convinced that her friend will either win or become the next Bachelorette,” Dean said. “So Caelynn and I have a bet going to whose friend is gonna go further.”
She’s a Fitness Coach and Wedding Videographer
Apparently, Susie works for Body By Craig and also has her own wedding videography company—although she wants to become a documentary filmmaker one day. Honestly, I’m impressed??!!!

She Wants a Man Who Can Keep Life Interesting
Not sure Clayton fits that bill considering he couldn’t keep Michelle Young’s season of The Bachelorette interesting (kidding! kinda!), but here’s what Susie is looking for, according to her ABC bio:
“Whether it’s moving to Japan to experience a new culture or winning Miss Virginia 2020, Susie loves to defy expectations and is looking for a man who will keep life interesting. What Susie finds sexy is a thoughtful man who prioritizes quality time and creating shared experiences. With Susie, loyalty is the bottom line and she needs someone she can trust to her core. Above all, she wants someone who will always be there to support and encourage her dreams no matter where those dreams take her.”
SPOILERS AHEAD! Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You!
The Rumor About Susie Not Making the Final Two Is *Wrong*
’Kay, so remember the shocking promo ABC dropped that basically spoiled Clayton’s final two? Well, neither of the women featured in it were Susie. The women featured are Gabby and Rachel, which everyone understandably took to mean Susie was cut before the final two. But Reality Steve had an “actually, that’s not true, Ellen” moment to reveal…
Susie Is Clayton’s Final Choice
Apparently, Susie isn’t Clayton’s number three. She’s his number one!! But awkwardly, he doesn’t seem to be her number one back, because rumor has it that she rejects his proposal (a Bachelor first!) and leaves him in Iceland. “Susie is convinced to stay, and at the final rose ceremony, she rejects Clayton’s proposal, and Clayton left Iceland single,” Steve revealed this week.
More context:
“But nothing I’ve been told recently makes me believe Clayton is anything other than single. I’d find it hard to believe [Susie] rejected his proposal but then changed her mind and they’ve been seeing each other ever since on Happy Couple weekends. That would be news to me. And as for Gabby and Rachel, again, I’ve been told they have no part of the ending, nor is he trying to date either one of them post show. If there’s anything happening post show with any of the women, it’d be with Susie, but I don’t see it, nor has it ever been mentioned to me.”
We’ll update this with more spoilers about Susie as they drop, so stay tuned if that’s your thing, especially with rumors swirling about Susie becoming the next Bachelorette. In the meantime, here are more deets about how Clayton’s finale goes down:
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