Customers speak out after sudden closure of North Dakota photography business – KVRR Local News

“It is just devastating. We don’t know what to do.”
FARGO N.D. (KVRR) – A North Dakota-based photography company suddenly shut down Thursday.
Glasser Images’ attorney says the photography business based out of Bismarck closed its doors due to past and ongoing effects from the pandemic.
“The business got to the point where they just couldn’t fulfill all the obligations to their customers. They tried to make things work the last couple of years. It unfortunately came to a point where they had to make a really tough decision to close the doors on Thursday,” says Attorney, Tim O’Keeffe.
The abrupt closure has left customers Marissa Salberg and her Fiance Cole wondering if they will ever receive a refund.
“We booked them for photography and paid in full and last week and paid in full as of last Thursday and then found out Thursday night that they are shutting down and we are getting no refunds. I don’t know if we will even see a dime, but I would like to see the $4,000 on everything back,” explains Salberg.
“It’s just simple math, the reason Glasser can’t give refunds is that there is a lot of money owed,” says O’Keeffe
According to several customers, Glasser Images was accepting payments the same week owner Jack Glasser decided to close the business.
“I didn’t even get an email, neither did Chris. We found out on Facebook because somebody else got an email,” says Salberg.
An email sent to some clients states that Glasser will not be providing refunds.
Glasser’s attorney says he will work with the owner to create a strategy to help satisfy everyone involved.
“At this point we are going to have to come up with a plan as to how we can best refund everyone in a fair way. Nobody wants to make things right as much as Jack Glasser,”adds O’Keeffe.
Salberg says she is shocked by the situation and is scrambling to find a new photographer for her wedding.
She says, “It is just devastating. We don’t know what to do. I thought I asked every single question, but apparently I didn’t ask what happens if they close their doors.”
Glasser Images had 150 employees and subcontractors before shutting down.